Thursday, March 19, 2009


Rob a store where minors are working? In Georgia that makes you a registered sex offender for life. Even if you were a minor at the time too.

If you can't rob a house without getting shot by the homeowner, and then runover TWICE by your own getaway car, it might be time for a new line of work.

When you wash your baby, you're washing your baby with CANCER

Today's "Third grader shows off his gun at school" brought to you by Ft Lauderdale.

McCain 6 months ago: US economy is sound. Obama 6 months ago: What are you smoking? Obama today: US economy is sound.

For your entertainment: The top 10 most controversial episodes in South Park history.

Monday, March 2, 2009

News you can't use*

*got left in the attic for a few weeks...

The Japanese emperor is coming to Hawaii, and he is most displeased with our apparent lack of progress...

If you missed that last movie zinger, I'll just go for the gold and just say that I'm glad that we at least got a heads up this time.

Wait for it... yes, that was pretty bad.

Not only does the new budget not contain earmarks, there is one cosponsored by "Senator Barack Obama"... wait, what?

Man partied and had sex with lots of women at work, which might be cool if he wasn't working at the morgue.

Utah takes one step closer to making it illegal to "look drunk", because thinking 20 year-old war veterans aren't mature enough for bud light just isn't asinine enough.