Anyways, Here's the news:
WHO raises alert level to 5 for swine flu. One more level until we unlock the bonus round.
Also, swine flu "patient zero" now has a face.
Who's the cutest little Harbinger of Doom? Youuuu aaarrrreee.
Mother proud to be feeding her kids McDonalds at 6 months of age. As you could tell by the picture in the article, the golden arches haven't been kind to her, either.
Obama secretly tested for swine flu after man he shook hands with in Mexico drops dead the next day. Officials concerned because Obama's touch usually heals.
Car salesman dies at NASCAR race, but as his obit notes, "We are sure he would still want all to know that 0.9% financing is still available on all New 2008 Hummer H2's."
Worst. Pirates. Ever.
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