Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Greene County Democrats Snub Obama and DNC on Donor Dough

"Not well Brian... not well."

-Stewie Griffin, "Lois Kills Stewie"

Just going through the donations of the various local and federal candidates today.
Apparently, all the powers-that-be that normally donate to Democrats had refused to give our great leader any money. That includes such folks as State Representative Billy Gaskill (just a $207 donation to the state party, which is kind of cheap considering he spent untold amounts beating out two other guys in a primary a few years ago) , First National Bank chairman Bill Brewer($5,500), Liberty Bank Banker Mark Fowler(2,000), Chevy Dealership owner Thomas Kirk ($6,900) Tom Kirk's relatives (don't know how related...$2,100 and $3,300 each), long time local Democratic activist Harry Trumann Moore($3,000), State Senator Robert Thompson ($3,800), among dozens of other folks that had either donated to the state Democratic Party, Hillary Clinton, Mark Pryor, or Marion Berry. Combined of the above group alone, makes up 26,807 of money that went to just about everyone... everyone but the DNC and the Obama Campaign.

So far, the only relatively major Obama donors listed in Greene county are an Adel and Yeesoon (I am not making these names up) Hassan, both of whom donated $1,000 each last year. These two donations are the only donations reported towards Obama (unless there's some closeted Obama fan that donated 199 bucks 11 1/2 times to avoid having to report), so aside from those two donations, Greene County Democrats systematically snubbed Obama and the DNC out of any money whatsoever.

Think about it. According to, the NATIONAL RURAL LETTER CARRIERS' ASSOCIATION POLITICAL ACTION COMMITTEE got more money from Greene County than the Democratic National Committee. Considering that the county has been second only to Craighead county in Democratic support in Northeast Arkansas, the fact that not a single regular Democratic figure, politician, fundraiser, or otherwise besides two people that are probably from out-of-state may explain the weakest support for a Democratic national candidate ever in a national election.

Not well Brian... not well.

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