I wanted to get a massive collection of stories out, but it's 2 in the morning and I will regret my caffeine intake soon enough:
Gas station attendant accidentally sets price of a gallon to 35 cents. Upon finding out, owner said, "The people looked so happy when they were buying gas. If I can do this for them, that's all right"
And the latest Chinese product being recalled due to unsafe chemical levels is... pretzels
The Quebec Human Rights Commission is about to make a landmark decision on.... how to use silverware properly... damn Gypsies and their chopsticks.
Pakistanis angry over their President over putting the movies on VP candidate and Alaska Governor Sarah "Tina Fey"Palin. Please stop by for the conversation. Stay for all the semi-English literate Pakistanis on the youtube comments section.
Web 1.0 celebrity "Where are they now?"
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