In the largest "To Catch A Predator" ever announced, Pope Benedict XVI invites 400,000+ Catholic priests to The Vatican to "rally."
Oddly enough, "Islamofascism" may actually be a completely accurate term.
In a move that can only be met with calm and rational debate, Belgium lawmakers consider public ban on face covering burqas.
10 things the internet has ruined. Productivity conspicuously missing from list.
Military completing test of airships they believe will give them a decisive advantage in future conflicts. This can only end well.
FedEx: When you absolutely, positively, must get your dolphins there overnight.
Are you happy, sex abuse victims? You've ruined the pope's birthday.
German troops in Afghanistan call on Angela Merkel to explain why they're at war. The one damn major war the Germans fought in the past 100 years, THIS is the one they dissagreed with?